Dr. Fábio Curado Azevedo
He graduated in Medicine from the University Severino Sombra (1997) and specialization in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging by the Brotherhood of Santa Casa de Misericordia de Sao Paulo (2001). He is currently Coordinator of Diagnostic Services Imaging of the Brazilian Institute of Cancer Control of Residence in RDDI (MEC), Education Coordinator in Medical Radiology, Municipal Hospital Cidade Tiradentes (course recognized by the AMA / CBR), Radiologist General Hospital Carapicuiba, Coordinator Serv. Diagnostic Imaging of Santa Helena Medical Assistance. He has experience in Medicine, with emphasis in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Radiology.

Dr. Nicolas Daher Vaz
He graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Goiás (1996). He has experience in Medicine with emphasis in Medical Radiology.

Dr. Paulo Eduardo Zuccolotto de Assis
Graduated in Medicine at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo (1997). Specialist Diagnostic Imaging by AMB and CBR. It operates in the areas of Radiology and Interventional Radiology. It is currently coordinator of Diagnostic Imaging Services General Hospital Carapicuíba, Tiradentes City Hospital, the Brazilian Cancer Control Institute (IBCC) and sectors of USG and tomography H. São Luiz Gonzaga OSS – Santa Casa de Misericordia Sao Paulo. It collaborates in programs of radiology stages of H Cidade Tiradentes (recognized by CBR) and IBCC (recognized by MEC). Participates in research studies multicentre in oncology areas.

Dr. Wilson Roberto dos Santos Salomão
Graduated in Medicine at the Santa Casa de Misericordia de Sao Paulo (1995). He has experience in Medicine.